Meet the project team!
Left to right: Paul Morrin, Vicky Ward, Allan House, Tessa Holmes, David Woodcock, Richard Graham
This project was led by Dr Vicky Ward who was supported by two lay project researchers and an advisory group.
Dr Vicky Ward, NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellow, project lead. I am an academic and I research how people working in health and social care (e.g. nurses, social workers, therapists, managers, decision makers and academics) share knowledge with each other. I’m especially interested in how people share practical or practice-based knowledge and know-how with one another (i.e. what they know and what they do). During the project I was based at Leeds Institute of Health Sciences but I have now moved to the School of Management at the University of St Andrews.
Tessa Holmes, lay project researcher & advisory group member. I worked with older people in the community for 12 years before I retired. I frequently came across people who were receiving health and social care at home where information was just not being communicated across all the services that were involved in their “care package”. After I retired I worked as an evaluator on the SUFFICE Project in Leeds. This is where I met Vicky and became interested in her knowledge mobilisation work.
David Woodcock, lay project researcher & advisory group member. Before I retired I had a career in front-line public service and the NHS. I have recently worked as an evaluator with Tess on the SUFFICE Project in Leeds where I was able to use my postgraduate qualifications in Research Methodology and Qualitative Psychology. These, and the fact that I am now officially an ‘older person’ means that I can bring a useful combination of insights to this project, which includes an ability to ask difficult questions.
Paul Morrin, Director of Integration, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust/Leeds City Council, advisory group member. I am the Director of Integration for Adult Health and Social Care in Leeds. I have led the transformation of these services over the last 3 years aiming to create a more joined up approach and better outcomes for the people who receive our services. I am particularly interested in how staff involved in providing services share information and feel that this project could play an important part in supporting the ongoing development of integrated services.
Richard Graham, Senior Quality and Assurance officer, Leeds City Council, advisory group member. I am involved in quality assurance and continuous service improvement within Adult Social Care. My interest in this project stems from a desire to understand how the exchange of professionally based skills, knowledge and experience can be used to inform continuous service improvement. Outside of my job role I have an interest in team dynamics and how team effectiveness can be improved.
Allan House, Professor of Psychiatry, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, advisory group member. I am a professor in the School of Medicine in Leeds. I have a clinical background in psychiatry and am particularly interested in multidisciplinary and team working within health services. As an academic my work focuses on the design and conduct of health services research.